Is raw food safe for dogs?

Yes! Dogs, regardless of breed, are all still 99.99% wolf. Wolves hunt and scavenge for their food, all of which is raw. Dogs digestive tracts are built to properly digest raw meals. The acidity in their stomachs are designed to destroy the bacteria that most are afraid of- e.coli, salmonella, etc. Not only that, but it's good for them! Dogs are meant to consume thousands and thousands of enzymes every day. Enzymes can only exist within raw meat- once it is cooked, it is destroyed. Dogs for the first six years of their lives are able to produce their own enzymes, but around six years old, their body depletes of it, which is when most health condiitons begin. The only source they can continue to get enyzmes is through their food. Therefore, it is paramount to feed your dogs raw. However, if you decide you must feed your dog cooked meals, our meals can easily be cooked, and we recommend only lightly cooking it.

Why paleo?

We do fully paleo meals, inspired by Dr. Loren Cordain's findings of paleo for humans (but modified for dogs), due to the desire to replicate wolve's diets for dogs as closely as possible. We do this because we believe this is pivotal in accomplishing optimal health and longevity for our animals, as we our feeding our dogs what nature designed them to eat. This includes muslce meat, organ meat, healthy fat, vegetables, fruit, and seeds. No dairy, grains or legumes, as wolves do not consume these foods in the wild. By filling their diet fully on what nature designed for them to eat, we are cutting out potential factors that could lead to autoimmune diseases; and instead feeding them foods that heal their bodies and are packed full of nutrients.

How is your meat raised? What are they fed?

All of the animals that we source our meats from are beyond pasture raised- we do our best to replicate a forest-like environment, and allow them to forage on what nature designed them to eat as well! They are all 100% grassfed, grass-finished. No grains, corn or soy, ever. These leads to meat that achieves ideal Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio, leaner meat, and far more nutritional.

Are the meals nutritionally complete?

Almost! The only thing we do not add is bone meal, due to each dog's ideal amount of bone consumption varies, and too much or too little can have detrimental effects. What we recommend is purchasing either raw bones that are appropriate for your dog's size- such as chicken toes for small dogs, chicken feet for medium dogs, and so forth- otherwise, Four Leaf Rover has an excellent bone meal powder that you can use as a topper, which gives you suggested feeding amounts, and from there, you can test and figure out the best amount to give your dog as an individual. If you do feed your dog raw bones, we highly recommend supervising during consumption.